Be Still…


In a world full of so much hustle, bustle, thought and opinion it can be very easy to get caught up in what society, others, or even ourselves think is best for our lives. While I do believe in the power of creating and co-creating our reality I know just as well that there is a Higher work at hand.

With so much going on each moment around us it is key that we take moments of pause to simply BE STILL. I know this can seem like a seemingly daunting thing to do when there is so much to get done, and the grind never ceases. Trust me I know all about the grind and working to make visions become a reality. Seriously though if you want to optimize on your day to day activities taking moments that allow you to rejuvenate and recenter is vital.

Now don’t get me wrong in taking time to BE STILL this shouldn’t be used as a mechanism for procrastination or delaying what is necessary for your ultimate growth. However, in every growth process is a time for planting, watering/feeding, waiting, and seeing results. We must not down play the period of waiting. In fact this is essential in the process because it is in the waiting that the magic takes place. True restoration begins inwardly not outwardly.

It is in the ‘hidden’ moments that the true work is being done. So embrace the season of stretching and growth!



That I am God…


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